Training Curriculum


Erasmus+ strategic cooperation development project „A Step forward in Wellbeing in the field of Adult Education“ („Samm edasi heaolu nimel täiskasvanuhariduses“) lasts 1.09.2019 – 31.08.2022. The lead partner of the project is Eesti Vabaharidusliit, other partners: European Center for Quality Ltd from Bulgaria, Enoros Consulting Ltd from Cyprus Promimpresa SRL
from Italy, Promozione Internazionale Sicilia Mondo from Italy, Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej I Edukacyjnej from Poland. The project focuses on ensuring a learning environment that creates well-being in adult education. Well-being, in turn, is the basis for effective teaching and learning and for exploiting one’s potential.

Your Future Starts Here.

Content of the module

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